Why is Sexual Difference Relevant for Philosophy?
November 11, 2017 at 19:00
USA, Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Lecture Hall
Why is Sexual Difference Relevant for Philosophy?
The answer is not what you think.
There are very few people who feel perfectly and completely at home in their bodies and sexual identities. There is a reason for this, and Freud was the first to point it out. What was, and still is, disturbing about the Freudian discussion of sexuality is not its “obsession with dirty matters”. Far more disturbing was the ontologically uncertain character of sexuality itself. To the morally sanitary Victorians screaming “Sex is dirty!”, Freud did not answer, “No, it is only natural”. Instead, he asked “What IS this ‘sex’ you speak of?”
Today, neither the bearers of traditional family values nor the progressive defenders of sexual identity have met Freud’s question at the nexus of philosophy, science and psychoanalysis.
Join us for a memorable and distinctly Slovenian affair with Alenka Zupančič, Lacanian philosopher and scholar on ethics, comedy, and love, and Slavoj Žižek, political theorist, social critic, and inimitable ‘Elvis of philosophy’. Alenka Zupančič works as Research Advisor at Institute of Philosophy at the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts.