Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Aleš Smrekar, PhD-
Original Title
Healthy Environment Promotion aNd Ecosystem Services Support for ACTIVE CITIES development
Project Team
Aleš Smrekar, PhD, Jernej Tiran, PhD, Mateja Breg Valjavec, PhD-
1 January 2017–31 December 2018 -
Lead Partner
Project Leader
Donata Gaspari
Financial Source
Bundesstadt Bonn, Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon Borough Council, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti
HEPNESS project establishes a new form of transnational cooperation where cities, research institutes and sport organizations collaborate to promote active lifestyle and develop healthy and sports cities by enhancing cultural and natural assests and ecosystems services.
In the project, we will:
- improve the understanding of the potentials and the benefits deriving from the active use of cultural and natural ecosystems for the promotion of active cities, healthy communities and sport lifestyles;
- improve institutional capacities to promote active lifestyle, and experiencing innovative schemes to re-think and manage cultural and natural resources;
- inspire numerous cities by promoting the sustainable use of recreational ecosystem services for a more active lifestyle;
- improve awareness in order to stimulate decision makers to adopt health-sport viewpoint in the local development policies.
Visit our official website to learn more about the project.