Environmental report for the Plan of Lipica Stud Farm
Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Aleš Smrekar, PhD-
Original Title
Environmental report for the Plan of Lipica Stud Farm
Project Team
Bojan Erhartič, PhD, Mauro Hrvatin, PhD, Blaž Komac, PhD, Miha Pavšek, MA, Katarina Polajnar Horvat, PhD, Peter Repolusk, BA, Mimi Urbanc, PhD, Matija Zorn, PhD-
7 February 2008–15 November 2008 -
Project Leader
Aleš Smrekar, Ph. D.
Financial Source
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Republike Slovenije
Karst Research Institute SRC SASA, Section for interdisciplinary research in humanistics and private external cont…, Jovan Hadži Institute of Biology SRC SASA
The plan of spatial arrangement, which was given to us by the real estate developer to asses (environmental report and the estimation of the susceptibility of impacts on protected areas), deals with 80 hectars of the north-western part of Lipica Stud Farm, which covers the area of the existing golf course as well as the area of its foreseen expansion. Based on the decree laying down the content of environmental report, we tried to establish, describe and evaluate all the important aspects of plan realization, taking into consideration all of the environmental goals and area characteristics based on the following segments of the environment: surface, water, climate factors, air, nature, landscape, cultural heritage, population and the level of health assurance and mainly the aspect of the protected area. Influences on climate factors, air and the population as well as the level of its health assurance regarding the formation of the golf course would be almost non-existent, or better said at the minimum, of minor importance. The same doesn't hold true for other segments of our assessment. The expansion of the golf course was permitted, but with some detailed mitigation measures. A major impact would be seen only in the potentially special protected area of Kras, more precisely on the group of beetles, among which we stress »Morimus funereus« as the qualification bird species of Natura 2000. Based on these findings we suggested to the contractor of the Plan of spatial arrangement the exclusion of 17 hectars of the area from further operations and the establishment of the new distribution of some individual golf-fields. The improved suggestion incorporates the exclusion of a stripe of the western part of the area in question, where there is a habitat of Morimus funereus. This change would also mean the preservation of fossile sites and of maple forests.
First proposal of Plan of Lipica Stud Farm. (figure in high resolution)
Morimus funereus is protected species.
Correction of first proposal of Plan of Lipica Stud Farm. (figure in high resolution)