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Ethnographies of Land and Water Routes: A Comparative Approach to (Im)mobility


Land and water routes are physical manifestations of human movement in space and time and provide a relevant framework for understanding (im)mobility in different social contexts. The proposed project is a comparative study of southern Albania, Istria (that crosses Slovenia, Croatia and Italy) and Pomoravje (Serbia). The main focus of this project is to study the meanings of routes not only as material manifestations of peoples’ interventions in the environment, but also as expressions of their lives, knowledge, imaginaries, memories, and identification. Land and water routes connect or disconnect places and people’s lives; they either bridge or extend distances between them. In short, they generate various modes of (im)mobility which they on the one hand enable and which in turn define them. One of the core questions is therefore how movements of people, things and ideas define land and water routes and vice versa. People not only use these routes, they also talk about them. In that sense the meaning of routes, such as roads, seaways and river routes, can be seen as a window disclosing peoples’ lives in all the complexity of their social relations. The project is interested precisely in the complex relationship existing between space, place and movement alongside their carriers. Land and water routes are part of infrastructure and our complex surroundings. Their meaning is not only expressed through peoples’ practices, experiences, memories, narratives, imaginaries etc., but also through the routes as such. The research will combine three approaches anthropological approach, Techniques of Remote Sensing and human-geography approach. Conjoining these quantitative and qualitative approaches into one platform will allow us to more fully understand land and water routes. Leading us from questions about their social and cultural meanings, through heuristic “thinking through routes”, to the question of the “raw”, empirical data about them. This combination of multiple sets of knowledge will draw us nearer to a holistic approach. Modern societies need more than just one theory, more than one analytical methodology, or type of data, in order to achieve a fuller understanding. The research is going to be innovative by content and methodology and will benefit new anthropological directions and directives that are currently developing in spatial anthropology and anthropology of infrastructure throughout the world.


1. Monographs and edited volumes

1.1. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša 2015. Hapësira mospërputhjesh: etnografi hapësire dhe vendi në fshatin Dhërmi/Drimades, Shqipëria e Jugut. Tiranë: Morava. [COBISS.SI-ID 39041069]

1.2. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša, REPIČ, Jaka (ur.) 2016. Moving places: relations, return, and belonging, (EASA series, 29). New York; Oxford: Berghahn. [COBISS.SI-ID 62769506]

1.3. ROGELJA, Nataša, 2017. Blue horizons: anthropological reflections on maritime lifestyle migrations in the Mediterranean, (Migracije, 26). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.

1.4 ROGELJA, Nataša, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, 2017. Fish on the move: fishing between discourses and borders in the Northern Adriatic, (MARE publication series, vol. 11). Cham: Springer Nature, IX., [COBISS.SI-ID 40971821]

2. Chapters in edited volumes

2.1. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša, 2017. Silenced border crossing and gendered material flows in southern Albania. V: Donnan, H., Hurd, M., Leutloff-Grandits, C. (ur.). Migrating borders and moving times: temporality and the crossing of borders in Europe, (Rethinking borders). Manchester: Manchester University Press, str. 140-156. [COBISS.SI-ID 41587501]

2.2. –––––, 2016. Rooting routes: (non-) movements in southern Albania. V: Gregorič Bon, N., Repič, J. (ur.). Moving places: relations, return, and belonging, (EASA series, 29). New York; Oxford: Berghahn, str. 63-84. [COBISS.SI-ID 40652333]

2.3. –––––, 2014. Secular journeys, sacred places: pilgrimage and home-making in the Himarë/Himara of Southern Albania area. V: Eade, J., M. Katić (ur.). Pilgrimage, Politics and Place-Making in Eastern Europe: Crossing the Borders. Surrey: Asgate. [COBISS.SI-ID 37429037]

2.4. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša, REPIČ, Jaka, 2016. Introduction. V: Gregorič Bon, N., Repič, J. (ur.). Moving places: relations, return, and belonging, (EASA series, 29). New York; Oxford: Berghahn, str. 1-20. [COBISS.SI-ID 62769506]

2.5. JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, 2018. Roma, social exclusion and Romani settlements as marginalized place: the case of Loke. V: Pelkc, S., Koderman, M. (ur.). Nature, tourism and ethnicity as drivers of (de)marginalization: insights to marginality from perspective of sustainability and development, (Perspectives on geographical marginality, 3). Cham: Springer. cop. [COBISS.SI-ID 1539618244]

2.6. –––––, 2016. From a tent to a house, from nomads to settlers: constructions of space and place through Romani narratives. V: Gregorič Bon, N., Repič, J. (ur.). Moving places: relations, return, and belonging. New York; Oxford: Berghahn. [COBISS.SI-ID 1539025092]

3. Articles

3.1. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša, 2017. Movement matters: The case of southern Albania. V: de Rapper, G. (ur.). Albanie: Renaissance d´ unediscipline, Ethnologie Française, 47 (2): 301-308. [COBISS.SI-ID 41509165]

3.2. JOSIPOVIČ, Damir, 2014. Slovenian-Croatian boundary dispute - the case of Dragonja, Piran bay, and access to the high seas. Alternativa: revistë e SH.K.SH. "Migjeni" për kulturë dhe shkencë, 23(4): 89-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 12578893]

3.3. –––––, 2014. Recent demographic trends in the northern borderland between Italy and Slovenia: stabilization or further redistribution of population? European Countryside, 6 (1): 50-67. [COBISS.SI-ID 12481869]

3.4. LEDINEK LOZEJ, Špela, ROGELJA, Nataša, KANJIR, Urška, 2017. Walks through the multi-layered landscape of Šavrinkas' Istria: eggs, books, backpacks and stony paths. Landscape research, 31: 1-13. [COBISS.SI-ID 41852717]

3.5. PETROVIĆ-ŠTEGER, Maja. 2016. O živih in spečih vodah: antropološka analiza rabe in doživljanja vode v Srbiji. Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, 56 (3-4): 75-88. [COBISS.SI-ID 40763693],

3.6. ROGELJA, Nataša, 2015. 'Sail away': the biographical approach as a tool to understand the concept of temporarily unbelonging. Dve domovini: razprave o izseljenstvu, 42: 69-80. [COBISS.SI-ID 38550573]

3.7. –––––, 2015. The sea: place of ultimate freedom? Ethnographic reflection on in-between places and practices. MCSJ: mobile culture studies, 1: 181-198.

3.8. –––––, 2014. 'Vse po resnici!': uporaba biografske metode ob raziskovanju Šavrink. Dve domovini, 40: 35-46. [COBISS.SI-ID 38673965]

3.9. ROGELJA, Nataša, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, 2015. Welcome to Izola!: offering 'authentic hospitality' on fishing boats. Annales, Series historia et sociologia, 25(2): 273-284. [COBISS.SI-ID 38632749]

4. Short scientific articles

4.1. KANJIR, Urška, GREGORIČ BON, Nataša, 2016. Coastal changes and movements on the Albanian riviera. V: GEOBIA 2016: solutions and synergies. Proceedings, GEOBIA 2016: Solutions and Synergies,14 Sept. - 16 Sept., University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC), Enschede. Enschede: University of Twente. [COBISS.SI-ID 40709421]

4.2. PETROVIĆ-ŠTEGER, Maja 2016. On (failed) resonance. V: Kiddey, R. (ur.). Discovery & recognition, (ISRF bulletin, issue 10). London: Independent Social Research Foundation. cop., 10: 39-47. [COBISS.SI-ID 40254509]

5. Conference, seminar, workshop

5.1. IAPŠ, ZRC SAZU, Mt. Fuji World Heritage Centre for Mountain Research (Japan), Department of Asian Studies, University of Ljubljana, 2016. Interdisciplinary workshop »Movement and Landscape«, Hall of the Geographical Museum, ZRC SAZU Ljubljana, 15. Sep. [COBISS.SI-ID 40455981]

5.2. IAPŠ, ZRC SAZU, University Yamaguchi (Japan), 2016. Interdisciplinary seminar »Routes, Landscape and Heritage Seminar«, Hall of the Geographical Museum, ZRC SAZU Ljubljana, August 31. [COBISS.SI-ID 40166445]

5.3. IAPŠ, ZRC SAZU, University of Zadar (Cro), Roehampton University (UK), 2015. Interdisciplinary conference »Movements, Narratives & Landscapes«, University of Zadar, 7. jun. [COBISS.SI-ID 38505005]

6. Exhibition

6.1. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša. Routes of Dhërmi/Drimades in southern Albania: ethnographic photo exhibition: predstavitev razstave v okviru mednarodnega znanstvenega posvetovanja "Movements, Narratives and Landscapes", University of Zadar, Zadar (CRO), 5.-7. jun. 2015. [COBISS.SI-ID 40456237]

6.2. –––––, 2015. Routes of Dhërmi/Drimades in southern Albania: predstavitev razstave v okviru znanstvenega posvetovanja "Labor Migration and Industrial Citizenship: Albanians on the move - Citizenship, Identity and Development", University of New York, Tirana (ALB), 13. nov. [COBISS.SI-ID 39586605]

6.3. ROGELJA, Nataša, LEDINEK LOZEJ, Špela, 2015. Po poteh šavrinke Marije: razstava na narečnem večeru, posvečenem Šavrinkam Malo je duaste bulše ku neč, 11. sept., Sv. Anton. [COBISS.SI-ID 38793517]

6.4. –––––, 2015. Trade routes of Šavrinkas: women work migrations in the first half of the 20th century in Istria and the popularization of Šavrinkas today: razstava na International Interdisciplinary Conference Movements, Narratives & Landscapes, University of Zadar, Croatia, 5. - 7. jun. [COBISS.SI-ID 38491437]

6.5. ROGELJA, Nataša, 2014. Nekoč: Danes: Jutri: Slovenska društva v jugoslovanskem prostoru: odprtje razstave, 18. jun., Kulturni center Janeza Trdine, Novo mesto. [COBISS.SI-ID 38139949]

6.6. LEDINEK LOZEJ, Špela, ROGELJA, Nataša, 2014. Šavrinke: razstava v Slovenskem domu KPD "Bazovica", 2. 12. 2014. Bazovica. [COBISS.SI-ID 37822253]

6.7. –––––, 2014. Šavrinke nekoč in danes: etnografska foto-dokumentacijska razstava Znanstvenoraziskovalnega centra ZRC SAZU in Narodne in študijske knjižnice v Trstu, odprtje razstave v Gregorčičevi dvorani v Trstu, 3. 10. [COBISS.SI-ID 37618221]

6.8. –––––, 2014. Šavrinke nekoč in danes: otvoritev etnografske in foto dokumentacijske razstave, Inštitut za raziskovanje krasa, Postojna, 9. 11. [COBISS.SI-ID 37745965]

7. Interviews and other

7.1. GREGORIČ BON, Nataša, 2017. Interview. Nočni obisk. Ljubljana: Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod. [COBISS.SI-ID 41514029]

7.2. –––––, REPIČ, Jaka, KOZOROG, Miha, JANKO SPREIZER, Alenka, TOMAŽIČ, Agata, 2017. Kraji in ljudje v gibanju : pogovor o mobilnosti na kraju samem ob izidu znanstvene monografije "Moving Places: Relations, Return and Belonging", Atrij ZRC, Ljubljana, 2. feb. [COBISS.SI-ID 41450797]

7.3. –––––, PETROVIĆ-ŠTEGER, Maja, 2017. Vodne poti in prihodnost: raziskovalne delavnice ZRC "Igrajmo se znanost!", Čolnarna v Tivoliju, Glinščica, dvorana Zemljepisnega muzeja, Ljubljana, 27. jul. [COBISS.SI-ID 41912109]

7.4. –––––, 2016. Hapësira mospërputhjesh: etnografi hapësire dhe vendi në fshatin Dhërmi/Drrimades, Shqipëria e Jugut : predstavitev in promocija monografije v okviru posvetovanja "Historia e Himarës", Hotel Prino, Himarë (ALB), 6. feb. [COBISS.SI-ID 39587373]

7.5. –––––, 2015. Spaces of discordance: ethnography of space and place in the village of Dhermi/Drimades, southern Albania: predstavitev in promocija monografije v okviru znanstvenega posvetovanja "Labor Migration and Industrial Citizenship: Albanians on the move - Citizenship, Identity and Development", University of New York, Tirana (Alb), 13. nov. [COBISS.SI-ID 39586349]

7.6. ROGELJA, Nataša, 2017. Nomadi na morju: Intervju. Ljubljana: Radio prvi. [COBISS.SI-ID 41842989]

7.7. LEDINEK LOZEJ, Špela, ROGELJA, Nataša, 2014. Šavrinke: TV Koper - Capodistria: oddaja Na obisku. Koper, 5. 10. [COBISS.SI-ID 37618989]

Research Project

antropologija infrastrukture
prostorska antropologija
južna Albanija
kopenske in vodne poti