Principal Investigator at ZRC SAZU
Tanja Pipan, PhD-
Original Title
Project Team
Jerneja Fridl, PhD, Stanka Šebela, PhD, Magdalena Năpăruş-Aljančič, PhD, Matej Krebelj, B.Sc. CS, Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak-
Project ID
C3330-19-952062, 23. 12. 2019
23 December 2019–31 August 2021 -
Lead Partner
Financial Source
University of Maribor – Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics (UM) , Slovenian Forestry Institute (GIS), University of Ljubljana – Biotechnical Faculty (UL BF), National Institute of Biology – Marine Biology Station Piran (NIB) , , , ,
ZRC SAZU is leading institution of the project »DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE SLOVENIAN DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE SPACE – RI-SI-LifeWatch«. Participating partners are: National Institute of Biology (NIB), Slovenian Forestry Institute (GIS), University of Ljubljana (UL), University of Maribor (UM). Contract number C3330-19-952062 between ZRC SAZU and MIZŠ was signed on 23. 12. 2019.
The operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund. This operation is being implemented within the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy 2014-2020, under Priority Axis 1: "International competitiveness of research, innovation and technological development in line with smart specialization for greater competitiveness and greening of the economy"; Priority Investment 1.1: "Strengthening infrastructure for research and innovation and the capacity to develop excellence in this area, as well as to promote competent centers, especially those of European importance"; Specific Objective 1.1.1: "Effective use of research infrastructure and development of knowledge/competences for better national and international cooperation in the Knowledge Triangle".
Operation is part of »Načrt razvojnih programov« (NRP) no. 3330-19-1142. EU contribution is 80%.
The purpose of the operation is infrastructural development or investment in more demanding development and research equipment, which is absolutely necessary for the implementation of international and national projects for monitoring and predicting the effects of global changes on biodiversity.
Estimated financial support: 3.299.976,75 EUR.
Realized financial support: 2.834.655,40 EUR.
Link to the website of European cohesion policy in Slovenia: https://www.eu-skladi.si/?set_language=en.
From 2019 - Scientific and popular publications
2020 and 2021 - Purchase of research scientific equipment
Within RI-SI-LifeWatch project partners are purchasing scientific equipment for study and collection of scientific data from the field of biodiversity.
List of new equipment with photos
28th May 2020 - Installation and basic training for the use of FT-IR microscope with integrated ATR crystal, Postojna
On 28th May 2020, an FT-IR microscope with an integrated ATR crystal was delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna. It was installed in the microscopy room of the institute. In addition to the installation of the equipment, basic training for independent use of the microscope was also carried out.
14th July 2020 - Installation of digital titrator with a stirrer and first analysis of water samples, Postojna
On 16th June 2020, a digital titrator with a stirrer was delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna.
On 10th July 2020, the titrator was installed in the laboratory of the institute. Equipment for determining alkalinity and calcium had to be installed, which included the preparation of titration reagents, their standardization, and the installation of options in the instrument program.
On 13th and 14th July 2020, the first analyzes of water samples with a new instrument took place. Samples of infiltrating water collected in the Pisani rov of the Postojna Cave were analyzed. Alkalinity and calcium content were determined by pre-calibration of the pH probe.
The first analysis of water samples with a new titrator, photo by Lovel Kukuljan.
15th July 2020 - Installation, testing and training for the use of a sequential air sampler, Postojna
On 15th July 2020, a sequential air sampler was delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna. On the same day, the installation was carried out, and a test operation was established at the entrance door of the institute. Instructions for the use of the equipment were also given.
Installation and testing of a sequential air sampler, photo by Lara Valentić.
15th July 2020 - Installation, assembly and training for the use of fiber tensile strength meter, Maribor
On 14th and 15th July 2020, the installation and test of the tensile strength meter took place in the premises of the Jovan Hadži Biological Institute ZRC SAZU at the Maribor Research Station. An expert from abroad, who installed the equipment, performed tests of proper operation and basic training for the use of the device.
Assembly of individual electronic components of equipment, photo by Matjaž Gregorič.
7th September 2020 - Workshop "Use of equipment and data processing", Postojna
At Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU we prepared a workshop with a project presentation, data centre presentation and reporting procedure of use of new research equipment presentation. The workshop was intended for the staff of the institute.
Dr. Tanja Pipan presented Research Infrastructures (RI) LifeWatch and eLTER, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
Data center presentation, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
Reporting procedure presentation, photo by Mateja Zadel.
Presentations in Slovenian language:
podatkovno_vozlisce_izrk.pdf, predstavitev_ri_lw-elter_2020.pdf, predstavitev_uporaba_opreme.pdf)
25th September 2020 - Training for the use of the epifluorescence microscope, Postojna
In September, training for the use of the epifluorescence microscope by upgrading the existing one with UV light, camera mount, camera and software.
Participants of the training for the use of the epifluorescence microscope, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
25th September 2020 - Training for the use of the equipment for molecular biology, Postojna
On 25th September 2020, equipment for molecular biology (PCR thermocycler, chamber for preparation of PCR mixtures, apparatus for measuring nucleic acid concentrations, camera and associated software for photodocumentation and processing of electrophoretic images) was delivered to the laboratory of the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna. Training of the use of the equipment was also provided upon delivery.
Training for the use of equipment for molecular biology, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
30th September 2020 - Training for the use of the microplastic separator, Postojna
In September, training for the use of the microplastic separator took place at the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU.
Installation of the microplastic separator, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
8th October 2020 - Training for the use of the ion chromatograph, Postojna
In October, training for the use of the ion chromatograph took place in the laboratory of the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU.
Participants of the training for the use of the ion chromatograph, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
8th October 2020 - Analysis of geological samples with FT-IR spectrometer with integrated ATR crystal, Postojna
In September and October 2020 we experimentally analyzed selected cave minerals with an FT-IR spectrometer (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy) with ATR crystal (ATR = Attenuated Total Reflection). Different microscope configurations were used to analyze the geological samples.
Examination of geological samples with FT-IR spectrometer with integrated ATR crystal, photo by Blaž Kogovšek.
18th October 2020 - Test photography and recording with a drone over the Malenščica spring
On 5th October 2020, a drone was delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna. On 18th October 2020, a test flight was performed over the Malenščica spring or above the Malni water supply catchment. On the same day, images were taken over the Pivka intermittent lakes and over the Barka cave near Mašun.
Test flight over the Malenščica spring with a drone, photo by Matej Blatnik.
October 2020 - EU project, my project, Postojna
Event was canceled due to global covid19 pandemic.
October 2020 - General Assembly LifeWatch ERIC, Postojna
Event was postponed or canceled due to global covid19 pandemic.
October 2020 - Scientific Conference BEeS, Ljubljana
Event was postponed or canceled due to global covid19 pandemic.
9th December 2020 - Training for the use of microbiological laboratory support equipment, Postojna
On 25th November 2020, support equipment for the microbiological laboratory (freezer -80°C for storage of biological material, refrigerated incubator for microbiological cultures, ultrasonic bath) was delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna. Upon delivery, training was also provided on the use of an ultrasonic bath and a refrigerated incubator for microbiological cultures. However, when installing the -80°C chest, it turned out that the device was not working.
On 9th December 2020, the supplier (Sanolabor, d.d.) and the service technician (Semlab d.o.o.) came to repair the non-functioning chest for storing biological material. The motherboard was replaced and a CO2 cylinder was connected to set up a backup system. After the service, the use of the chest was briefly presented.
Training for the use of microbiological laboratory support equipment, photo by Janez Mulec.
15th December 2020 - Installation of ultrapure water purification system and training for its use, Postojna
On 8th December 2020, an ultrapure water purification system was delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU. The equipment was installed and assembled in the institute's laboratory.
On 15th December 2020, the installation of the device was completed and training for its use was carried out.
Installation of ultrapure water purification system and training for its use, photo by Mateja Zadel.
26th January 2021 - Additional training for the use of FT-IR microscope with ATR crystal, Postojna
On 26th January 2021, additional training was held for the use of FT-IR microscope with ATR crystal. A microscope configuration review was also performed.
Additional training for the use of FT-IR microscope with ATR crystal, photo by Sara Skok.
18th February 2021 - Installation and training for the use of wave-dispersion X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (WDXRF), Postojna
In autumn 2020, we started arranging a space for a geological laboratory at the Karst Research Institute in Postojna. On 1st December 2020, a wave-dispersion X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (WDXRF) was installed in the new laboratory. Due to the epidemiological situation, the installation and training were not completed until February 2021.
Introductory training for administrators, photo by Bojan Otoničar.
18th February 2021 - Installation and training for the use of equipment for digitization of natural science collections, Ig
On 8th January 2021, equipment for the digitization of natural science collections was delivered to the Barje Research Station ZRC SAZU in Ig. The equipment was installed in the Botanical Laboratory.
On 15th January 2021, the installation of the MiVappBotany software took place, but due to technical problems it was not fully completed.
On 18th February 2021, the installation of the software was completed, and training for the use of the equipment was carried out. Users prepared and scanned five herbarium poles with labels to test the progress of the digitization process.
Equipment operation test, photo by Branko Vreš.
19th February 2021 - Meeting of a broader research group involved in two national research infrastructures (RIs): eLTER and LifeWatch, online event
Meeting program in Slovenian language: https://www.zrc-sazu.si/sites/default/files/Program_19feb2021_0.pdf
The event took place via the virtual events platform Zoom.
22nd February 2021 - Establishment of a ring database storage system
In February 2021, the contractor Semantika d.o.o. completed development of BRDbase application for bird ringing.
Access to the database is at the link: http://obrockanje.pms-lj.si/.
Entry page to the BRDbase system.
8th June 2021 - Promotional video (ENG subtitles) "Vstopite v vznemirljivi svet raziskovanj Morske biološke postaje Piran (NIB)"
15th June 2021 - Presentation of the project at the 28th International Karstological School "Classical karst", online event
Poster "Development of research infrastructure (RI) for the international competitiveness of the development of Slovenian RI space - RI-SI-EPOS and RI-SI-LifeWatch = Razvoj raziskovalne infrastrukture (RI) za mednarodno konkurenčnost slovenskega RRI prostora - RI-SI-EPOS in RI-SI-LifeWatch":
28th June 2021 - Sampling of air in Lesce and at the Rižana spring
The sequential air sampler was set up alternately at two different locations over a nine-month period. It was set up on the meadow in Lesce in October and December 2020 and in February, April and June 2021. At the Rižana spring it was set up in November 2020 and in January, March and May 2021. At each location, sampling took place continuously for 20 days 24 hours a day. The samples were then examined in the laboratory of the institute for the presence of microplastics.
Air sampling is part of the field work of a young researcher from the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna.
Installation of air sampler on a meadow in Lesce and connection of a temperature meter to the device, photo by Lara Valentić.
8th July 2021 - Video shooting for the promotional film
ZRC SAZU is preparing a promotional film for the RI-SI-LifeWatch project. In the facilities of the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU and also in the field we try to capture as many interesting moments as possible during the work of the researchers, to whom the new equipment has brought new dimensions of research.
Video recordings in Postojna Cave, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
Video recordings in Planina Cave, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
13th July 2021 - Installation of climate chamber and training for its use, Postojna
On 6th July 2021, two climate chambers were delivered to the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna. The final location of the equipment will be the Research Office of the ZRC SAZU in Maribor, but since it is still necessary to arrange the space for its installation and arrange the three-phase electrical wiring, the equipment will be temporarily installed at the institute in Postojna.
On 13th July 2021, training for the use of a climate chamber took place at the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna.
Training for the use of climate chamber, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
14th July 2021 - Storage of RI-SI-LifeWatch data and metadata, Postojna
At Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna we experimentally established the storage of RI-SI-LifeWatch data on a server. We tested several data storage options - directly at the IZRK headquarters and via VPN (in the case of work at home).
Display metadata in the LifeWatch GeoNetwork catalog, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
31st August 2021 - Filming the usage of X-ray fluorescence spectrometer (WDXRF)
7th to 9th September 2021 - Training for the use of the electrical tomography, Ig
Due to epidemiological conditions, 3-day training for the use of electrical tomography took place only in September 2021. On the first day, theoretical training took place at the Research Station ZRC SAZU Barje in Ig. On the second day, practical training with field measurements took place in the area of Divača Cave. On the third day, practical training took place with data processing and measurements at the Research Station ZRC SAZU Barje in Ig.
1st day of training in Ig - theoretical part, photo by Mateja Breg Valjavec.
2nd day of training in Divača - practical part, photo by Mateja Breg Valjavec.
3rd day of training in Ig - practical part, photo by Mateja Breg Valjavec.
9th September 2021 - Sampling of air at Komna
The sequence air sampler was from 6.7. to 9.9. placed on the roof of the freight cable car next to Dom na Komni. During this period, continuous air sampling took place 24 hours a day.
Air sampling is part of the field work of a young researcher from the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna.
Air sampler at Komna, photo by Lara Valentić.
10th September 2021 - Measurement of Reka river flows with Doppler meter
In September 2021, flow measurements with a Doppler meter were performed at selected locations of the Reka River.
Using a flow meter mounted on a boat, photo by Blaž Kogovšek.
15th September 2021 - Installation of flow gauge in Planina cave
A gauge of water flow was installed at the selected location in Rak river in Planina cave. First, it was necessary to set the appropriate settings and perform control measurements, and then the gauge was installed in the siphon with the help of a diver. Thus, from 15 September 2021 onwards, automatic collection of water flow data is taking place in the above-mentioned cave canal.
Setting the gauge before the diver took it to the depth, photo by Cyril Mayaud.
16th September 2021 - 3rd International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity, Bozen, Italy
Link: 3rd International Workshop on Semantics for Biodiversity
16th September 2021 - Training for the use of the underwater drone, Postojna
Due to the epidemiological situation, training for the use of the underwater drone took place via the virtual events platform Zoom. Only the theoretical part of the training was carried out.
Theoretical part of the training for the use of the underwater drone, photo by Jasmina Čeligoj Biščak.
24th September 2021 - Analysis of the composition of the epicuticle of terrestrial isopods and secretions of their defense glands as two key adaptations to the terrestrial environment using FT-IR spectrometer with integrated ATR crystal, Postojna
In cooperation with the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, we evaluated the suitability of various sample preparation procedures for spectroscopy on 1st September 2021 with an FT-IR spectrometer, either in the transmission or in the ATR measurement mode. After appropriate preparation of additional samples, the composition of the epicuticle and procuticle of four species of terrestrial isopods and protein and chitin standards were separately analyzed on 24th September 2021, and the composition of different cuticle layers was determined. By measurements in the ATR mode, we determined the approximate composition of the secretions of the defense glands of two species of terrestrial isopods, which will direct further analyzes of individual components of the secretions.
Prepared by: Miloš Vittori
Analysis of crab samples in cooperation with the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, photo by Sara Skok.
30th September 2021 - Installation and training for the use of behavioral observation equipment, Ig
On 21st June 2021, equipment for behavioral observations was delivered to the Barje Research Station ZRC SAZU in Ig.
Between 28th and 30th September 2021, the software was installed online, and training for the use of the equipment was carried out during this period. Users practiced recording and coding pilot experiments on the equipment.
Training for the use of behavioral observation equipment, photo by Simona Kralj Fišer.
1st October 2021 - Visit of EU scientific advisers from Brussels and representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, Postojna
As part of the events of the Slovenian Presidency of the EU Council 2021, the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU was visited by scientific advisers from EU countries in Brussels and representatives of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport. At the urging of the head of dr. Tadej Slabe visited the premises and operation of the institute. Among other things, they visited the new office of the data center and nodes LifeWatch-SI and RI-SI-LifeWatch. We also acquainted them with the activities of the RI-SI-LifeWatch project.
In the office of the data center and nodes LifeWatch-SI and RI-SI-LifeWatch, photo by Blaž Kogovšek.
6th October 2021 - Installation of multiparameter water quality probe in Planina cave
A multiparameter water quality probe was installed at the selected location in Rak river in Planina cave. First, it was necessary to set the appropriate settings and perform control measurements, and then the probe was installed at the edge of the siphon with the help of a boat. Thus, from 6th October 2021 onwards, automatic collection of water quality data is taking place in the above-mentioned cave canal.
Installation of a multiparameter probe at the edge of the siphon in Planina cave, photo by Blaž Kogovšek.
29th October 2021 - Installation of a meteorological station above Sela near Otovec
On 29th October 2021, a meteorological station was installed above Sela near Otovec. The main process and memory unit with GSM module was installed. It is powered by a solar panel and an internal battery. Currently, sensors for solar radiation, rainfall, wind direction and speed, air pressure, temperature and humidity are installed. The sensors for ground measurements are not active for now, nor is the snow cover height sensor and the additional air temperature sensor.
The meteorological station is intended for air quality monitoring.
Installation of meteorological station, photo by Mitja Prelovšek.
20th December 2021 - Analysis of filtered water and air samples using FT-IR spectrometer with integrated ATR crystal, Postojna
A young researcher from the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in Postojna in collaboration with colleagues from 5th November 2020 onwards analyzes filtered water samples (water samples from springs and rainwater samples) and air samples for the presence of microplastics almost daily. Using an FT-IR spectrometer it analyzes potential microplastic particles and finds the obtained spectra in the installed spectrum library.
Analysis of filtered water and air samples using FT-IR spectrometer with integrated ATR crystal, photo by Sara Skok.
26th January 2022 - Installation of multiparameter water quality probe just below the Pački breg spring below the settlement of Dolnja Paka
A multiparameter probe was installed at the selected location below the Pački breg spring below the settlement of Dolnja Paka. First, it was necessary to set the appropriate settings and perform control measurements, and then the probe was placed in water. Thus, from 26 January 2022, automatic collection of water quality data will take place at the mentioned location.
14th March 2022 - Promotional video RI-SI-LifeWatch (Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm8P97fC-Os
21st April 2022 - Lecture entitled Hydrogeological research in the Pivka Valley, Postojna
On Thursday, April 21 2022, Cyril Mayaud, a researcher from the Karst Research Institute, gave a lecture at the Notranjska Museum entitled Hydrogeological Research in the Pivka Valley. In the research, the researchers also used new research equipment purchased as part of the RI-SI-LifeWatch project.
19th August 2022 - Publishing of RI-SI-LifeWatch promotional video on LifeWatching TV website, The LifeWatch ERIC Science TV Channel
On August 19, 2022, the English version of the RI-SI-LifeWatch promotional video was published on the website of LifeWatching TV, The LifeWatch ERIC Science TV Channel:
RI-SI-LifeWatch equipment is presented in the promotional film.
14th November 2022 - Database of the Slovenian Bird Ringing Center
The Council of the Slovenian Bird Ringing Center, which operates within the framework of the Natural History Museum of Slovenia, decided at its last meeting that ringers will enter data on ringed birds for this year in the "Database of the Slovenian Bird Ringing Center" (http://obrockanje.pms -lj.si/), which was created in the framework of LifeWatch-SI.
May 2023 - Printing of souvenirs for the 30th International Karstological School "Classical Karst" with a 3D printer Raise3d
With a 3D printer Raise3d, we made some commemorative products (human fish/proteus anguinus) for the participants of the 30th International Karstological School "Classical Karst".
13th June 2023 - Presentation of the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU and the RI-SI-LifeWatch project to the schoolchildren of the Miroslav Vilhar Postojna Primary School
21st June 2023 – presentation at: 30TH INTERNATIONAL KARSTOLOGICAL SCHOOL; M. Năpăruş-Aljančič et al.: Multidisciplinary metadata portal at the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU
10th October 2023 – lecture about KARST database (M. Aljančič and Ž. Kafol) at IZRK ZRC SAZU in Postojna
10th October 2023 - Presentation of the operation and usability of the temperature gradient plate
On Tuesday, October 10, 2023, a presentation of the operation and usability of the temperature gradient plate was held at BIJH, RP Barje in Ig. The presentation of the research equipment was carried out by a representative of the company Tectra d.o.o., which is the Slovenian representative of the company Grant Instruments (UK).
Presentation of research equipment, photo by Sanja Behrič.
6th February 2024 – Thematic Service Workshop Series
The first meeting of the LifeWatch Slovenia consortium took place as part of the Thematic Service Workshop Series activities (https://www.lifewatch.eu/thematic-services-workshops), held in the NIB conference room in Ljubljana. The agenda was as follows:
Presentation of LifeWatch-ERIC and Thematic Topics
Presentation of Thematic Topics - summary of the first Taxonomy meeting (Thematic Topics), Brussels, January 30, 2024
Presentation of activities by Slovenian members of LifeWatch and discussion on activities and organization of Biodiversity Observatory Automation
Activities for the organization of the Biodiversity Observatory Automation workshop (https://www.lifewatch.eu/thematic-services-workshops/biodiversity-observatory-automation/), April 11, 2024, in Ljubljana
13th March 2024 - Presentation of flow measurements with a Doppler meter
Blaž Kogovšek and Cyril Mayaud presented the operation of the Doppler meter for larger water flows. Filming took place by the river Rak in Rakov Škocjan.
The presentation was made possible by Radio 94.
Source: Radio 94.
Source: Radio 94.
22th March 2024 - Online workshop on the Thematic Core Service (TCS)
On the 22nd of March we participated at the online workshop on the Thematic Core Service (TCS) of Animal movement and Biologging. Dr. Magdalena Aljančič and co-authors: Gregor Aljančič (Tular Cave Laboratory) and Tanja Pipan (ZRC SAZU) presented a short talk on “ProteusWatch vLab at LifeWatch Slovenia: a new service for karst groundwater biodiversity”.
11th April 2024 - 5th Thematic Service Workshop “Biodiversity Observatory Automation”
On April 11, the LifeWatch Slovenia Consortium (www.lifewatch.si) led by Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU institute, organized the 5th Thematic Service Workshop “Biodiversity Observatory Automation” (https://www.lifewatch.eu/thematic-services-workshops/biodiversity-observatory-automation/), that took place in Ljubljana at the National Institute of Biology.
The Biodiversity Observatory Automation was one of a series of LifeWatch-ERIC workshops (https://www.lifewatch.eu/thematic-services-workshops/) focused to reviewing and updating the requirements for effective biodiversity assessment in an era of unprecedented environmental change and biodiversity loss. While there are several limitations in biodiversity assessment, such as time-consuming fieldwork and even more demanding post-fieldwork data processing and data storage, we are facing advances in automation of data collection, increasing computational power and possibilities to use artificial intelligence. The international meeting was bringing together experts to present key achievements and obstacles in monitoring and observational approaches and discuss the drawbacks and needs of different stakeholders.
Many thanks to our colleagues from the organizing committee from the LifeWatch Slovenia (Dr. Andreja Ramšak, Dr. Cene Fišer, Dr. Nataša Pipenbaher, Dr. Urša Vilhar, Dr. Magdalena Aljančič and Dr. Tanja Pipan) and all colleagues from the Slovenian node.
Karst Research Institute at ZRC SAZU was represented by Dr. Tanja Pipan (national coordinator of LifeWatch Slovenia), Dr. Magdalena Aljančič and MSc. Žan Kafol and they presented a short talk on “Challenges to Implement Darwin Core Meta Data Standard within GeoNetwork portals”.
Agenda of the meeting: https://www.lifewatch.eu/events/biodiversity-observatory-automation/
Photos: https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZCGGRK3KH5o5AXn26
Presentation of the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU; Magdalena Năpăruş-Aljančič: "Challenges to Implement Darwin Core Meta Data Standard within GeoNetwork portals"
31th May 2024 - Presentation of GeoNetwork platform for karst multidisciplinary (meta)data at SPOZNAJ
Our colleagues, Magdalena Aljančič and Žan Kafol from IZRK ZRC SAZU were invited to present the talk “GeoNetwork platform for karst multidisciplinary (meta)data” at the “General trainings on open science practices and research sharing according to FAIR principles” event organized by the Slovenian project "Support for the Implementation of Open Science Principles in Slovenia" (SPOZNAJ).
The video is available here: https://projekt-spoznaj.si/en/video/geonetwork-platforma-za-kraske-multidisciplinarne-metapodatke-30-5-2024/
