The e-collection is composed of a selection of monographic and scientific papers published in Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae. It presents the results of investigations from the fields of archaeology, epigraphy and ancient history. The goal is, for the most part, to present each individual archaeological site or archaeological themes from the teritory of SE Alps and western Balkans.
Period of creating: since 2002
Mateja Belak
The current version of the database created in BIOTA ( contains precise specimen, museum and georeferenced locality information for three out of four nephilid spider genera (see the genus Clitaetra with six species inhabiting Africa and Indian Ocean islands to Sri Lanka, the genus Herennia with eleven species in Australasia from India to Solomon Islands, and the genus Nephilenygs with four species in the tropics worldwide. For methods of study, museum information, taxonomic species diagnostics with illustrated descriptions, and sources of funding for this research, see the three published nephilid spider monographs (Kuntner, 2005, 2006, 2007). The database, currently at over a thousand specimens, will be updated to include specimen information on the largest nephilid genus, Nephila, with another several thousand entries, upon publication of a taxonomic monograph currently in preparation (for preliminary information on Nephila, see Kuntner et al., 2008; Kuntner & Coddington, 2009). Any queries? Contact the database author.
Digital archive is an internal database of the archaeological, epigraphical, archaeozoolocical, palynological and archaeobotanical electronic material of the Institute of Archaeology.
Homeguard memorials are part of contemporary Slovenian political discourse which uses memorial discourse to offer a specific interpretation of loss, death and the event that caused them; thus the past is linked to the present.
Crucial role of homeguard memorials is to construct the post-war killing as part of the national trauma, to transpose the roles of victim and perpetratorm symbolicaly reinterpret the meaning oh homeguard movement, collaboration and resistance. In other words, to implement the interpretation of the "civil war."
The collection includes photographs and introductory text.
Altenerding is a database ob the graves and artefacts of the Bavarian Early Middle Age cemetery Altenerding. Its data is based on the monograph: SAGE, Walter 1984, Das Reihengräberfeld von Altenerding in Oberbayern. – Germanische Denkmäler der Völkerwanderungszeit, Serie A, Band XIV. Berlin. (Only in Slovenian!)
Die Sammlung ist Ergebnis der Suche nach Analogien zu ausgewählten Befunden und Funden aus Gräbern der frühmittelalterlichen Nekropole von Altenerding in Bayern. Berücksichtigt sind die dem Autor zugänglichen Publikationen überwiegend zu Gräberfeldern Mitteleuropas (zur Zeit Stand 2003, eine Aktuallisierung ist angestrebt).
Hans Losert
Period of creating: since 1998