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Mimi Urbanc, PhD

Deputy Director, Head of Research Office

+386 1 470 63 54

+386 1 425 77 93

Main field
Deputy Director

Research fields
regional geography, environmental protection, agrarian geography, geographical names, cultural geography, cultural landscapes

Other activities
member of  the Commission for the Standardization of Geographical Names of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
member of the Working group on exonyms, The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)
member of the Working group on toponymic data files and gazetteers, The United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN)
national representative of The Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape for Slovenia
member of the Geografski obzornik/Geographic Horizon Editorial board
member of the presidency of Association of the Geographers of Slovenia
president of the Commission on Awards,  Association of the Geographers of Slovenia
member of EUCALAND network - European Cultural and Agricultural Landscapes
deputy member of ISCAR - International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps
member of EARMA - European Association of Research Managers and Administrators

Distinction of the Association of the Geographical Societies of Slovenia, 2001
Community of Goriče award, 1999
Prešeren Student Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1997

Palang, H., Printsmann, A., Konkoly Gyuró, É., Urbanc, M., Skowronek, E.,  Woloszyn, W. 2006: The forgotten rural landscapes of Central and Eastern Europe. Landscape Ecology 21-3. Den Haag.
Urbanc, M. 2013: Pokrajina v luči retoričnih figur v besedilih o slovenski Istri (Landscape in terms of the rhetorical figures used in literature about Slovenian Istria). Primerjalna književnost 36-2. Ljubljana.
Urbanc, M. 2012: Reprezentacije kulturne pokrajine v besedilih o slovenski Istri (The rhetoric of the cultural landscape of Slovenian Istria). Annales, Series historia et sociologia 22-1. Koper.
Urbanc, M., Juvan, M. 2012: At the juncture of literature and geography : literature as a subject of geographic inquiry in the case of Slovene Istria. Slavistična revija 60-3. Ljubljana.
Urbanc, M. 2011: Perception of land among Slovenians in the context of landscape changes in Slovenian Istria (Istra). Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft 153. Dunaj.
Urbanc, M. 2011: Pokrajinske predstave o slovenski Istri (Lanscape representations of Slovenian Istria). Georitem 15. Ljubljana.


Geography of Slovenia - national research programme (research programme • January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2021)

B. Sc. in Geography and History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1996
M. Sc. in Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2002
Ph. D. in Geography, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Slovenia, 2007