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WETNET - Coordinated management and networking of Mediterranean wetlands



Wetlands in Europe are vulnerable interconnected environments, hugely contributing to biodiversity. Their protection intertwines scientific-environmental aspects and governance concerns. WETNET tackles the issue of implementing a multilevel governance for MED wetlands in order to achieve overall and network effects on wetlands ecosystems as well as on connected local systems. The project aims at ensuring higher coordination between different levels of spatial planning and authorities in charge for their management, whilst limiting conflicts between preservation issues and economic activities. By defining common priorities for MED wetlands conservation, WETNET builds a common territorial strategy for their integrated management. Building on previous EU experiences (River Contracts), WETNET seeks to test and transfer ‘Wetlands Contracts’, acting through broad participatory processes where users, private and public entities are committed in mainstreaming wetlands preservation into their ordinary activities. To this aims, the project will also increase the knowledge on River Contracts effectiveness and strengthen existing transnational networks for sharing and disseminating information and good practices on wetlands preservation. The project partnership involves all authorities and typology of stakeholders operating in target field. It will allow WETNET to meet the Wetlands needs at a broad scale, ensuring the transferability of its results to other EU countries.

Research Project

sodelovanje z deležniki
participativno planiranje
upravljanje mokrišč
biotska raznovrstnost
ohranjanje mokrišč