Information on Reporting and Handling Breaches of Research Ethics and Integrity
Breaches of research ethics and integrity principles are dealt with in accordance with the ZRC SAZU Policy on Handling Breaches of Research Ethics and Integrity.
The procedure for dealing with an alleged breach of the principles of research ethics and integrity is initiated by a report of such a breach to the EIEO Committee.
The report must be submitted in writing and addressed exclusively to the EIEO Committee by e-mail to or by post to ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, with the mandatory reference “For the EIEO/EIEM Committee.”
The report shall contain the name of the person making the report, the name of the person that the alleged infringement relates to, a description of the conduct in question, and the available evidence based on which the validity of the report can be verified. It may also contain a proposal for how the harmful consequences of the infringement may be remedied. The report may also be submitted anonymously, and it will be considered if it includes all the elements set out in this paragraph except the name of the person submitting the report.
The members of the EIEO Committee act as confidential contacts with whom a person who has observed a breach of the principles of research ethics and integrity at ZRC SAZU may consult confidentially and informally before submitting a report.